Well, random again, but oh well. Friday night was needed, and it couldn’t have gone any better. The old crew (Brady, Tyler, Evan, Mike and Myself) all got together. It was not forced, but it was reminiscent of old times. We started at Tyler’s house where we always do. Rode the motorcycle for a bit. Ate at McDonalds ($1 Chx McNugs). Then proceeded to a park to create a new game of Frisbee, after we broke it and then fixed it with duct tape. We resurrected the bike riding tradition, but not before we went to Ralph’s for Beverages. Brady suggested a series of beverages produced by Vitamin Water.

The first beverage in the series was "charge" in order to give us the energy to make it many many miles twisting and turning through side streets to finally reach Arlington (A new record) I don’t want to be a commercial for these beverages, but the series definitely worked. I finished "charge" At the halfway mark, in which we rode roughly 85% down hill. So I’m not the math major in the group (Evan is) so we had 85% of up hills left. So I busted out the second drink in the series, "Rescue."

So when you felt like you wanted to give up, this would supposedly give you the recovery that you needed in order to finish the task. I wanted to take it preemptively in order to maintain a good composure. So I started this beverage a little over halfway through and finished it right before we returned. I can honestly say, and Brady will agree...I was not tired, or worn out after a really long bike ride. I am not over exaggerating either, I promise. I felt strong enough to not once get off and push my bike. I proudly can say that I rode up every single hill, no matter how steep. I will blame it on the vitamin water.

The last drink in the series was "Revive" in order to replenish our broken bodies. And by the name you know what it did. I did not partake in this beverage until I was at our destination. The series works, so if you have a long and strenuous trek in front of you...do the vitamin water series created by Brady, tested by both Brady and I. Plus, they are 10 for $10 at Ralph’s this week.
At the end, we talked, and parted. It was a great night, not forced. Reminding me that after the years, the ups, downs, the good, the bad, and the ugly...we are still Brothers And Meaningful Fellowship.
Plus I had enough energy to visit the girlfriend after. So I got the best of both worlds.
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