So i went to go see Roger waters last night. And if you dont know who that is, well...let me just say he is an original member/songwriter of PINK FLOYD. He ended up playing like all my favorite songs from all the records, and also Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety.
So the night starts out in the bus stop. This is a cheaper way to get to the hollywood bowl instead of paying for gas, and not having to deal with the crazy traffic at the venue. Anyways, the bus driver calls anyone with tickets forward, we attempt to get on the bus, but are thwarted by like a 6'4 toughguy. Who tries to fight my dad for "cutting" in line eve though we were like one two of like 15 who even had tickets. My dad stood his ground and was pretty pissed, but it was kinda a weird aspect. Oh well he mised the bus anyway. We get to the show, and there is an overwhelming smell of the HERB if you know what i mean.
The Concert starts, and he plays some awesome stuff from "wish you were here", "the wall", and "animals", as well as some new material. Pretty poilitical, but thats Mr. Waters for you. He announces a 15 min break. I hesitate for like 3 minutes but then decide i need to go number one, or pee if you will.
I go to leave and there is a sea of people (reminded that there were 50, 000 people there) so i decide to try to find a secluded tree, but yet again there is too many people around, and i get stagefright. So at this point i am jogging the behind of the Hollywood bowl looking for anything to suffice as a restroom (at this point i am pretty nervous, cause i dont wanna miss a totally psychadelic show). i see a restroom, and it was like a mirage, way in the back of the hollywood bowl...but to my dismay it also had a huge line...but i see a secluded embankment. without hesitation, i jump up the 6ft wall....and proceed to a tree outta sight. As soon as i go to take care of biology...and i hear, "hey get down here, you in the trees!" My first reaction was to run, but i really didnt want to get kicked out. My head says...oh great, so i come down. He asks for my ticket, and i automatically start smoothe talking my way out of this, He asks for my ticket, and i straight tell him (in a nice way)" you dont wanna throw me out, just let me go. With the accompaniment of a tall mysterious man who at this point has his hand around my shoulders. The security guard lets me go, and me and this man walk out towards the show 9his arm still side-hugging me). As we walk away this man tells the guard "its cool, just let him go, cause this guy is cool" i look up, and it is none other than Roger Waters himself....haha...just messing, but keep paying attention...
The mysterious man, after about 20ft of walking, turns to me and says,"hey, got any acid?" That is definitely true, and cause the sake of this guy being hilarious i wish i had some to offer, But to no avail i say no, and we part ways.
I return to my seat and have missed like 2min of the beggining of the Dark Side of the Moon show, but that is ok, cause He is literally blowing my mind. The light show, and the images on the screens, although awesome, woud definately be better enjoyed if i was on me and my dad (both completely sober, like always) just stand in amazement of actually seeing Roger Waters Play one of the most phenomenal CD's of all time.
After like 2 songs, the most crazy woman i have ever experienced at a show walks, or stumbles up the stairs, double fisting 2 24oz beers. She claims to be "an original" which means she ws prolly a junkie/groupie who adored PINK FLOYD and really enhanced her show with drugs and alcohol. Nothing really much has changed for her...she was definitely on something, and also completely drunk as well.
So i got a new type of show...not only the musical aspect, and a visual aspect both provided by Roger Waters and his team. I also got an interpretive dance and various screaming by this lady. She bummed a doobie off some high school kids. She at one point grabbed my dad and was singing/sluring and dancing to him. She kept falling down the steep stairs and when she fell, continued to dance on her back...needless to say words cant capture her presence. she then left her purse and jacket and staggered off into the crowd. Ahhhhhhh peple who are on drugs and alcohol are, if nothing else, entertaining to those who are sober. These are some of the Pros of sitting with all the Riff Raff in the cheap seats.
After the show we were filed out of the stadium, like sheep (which Pink Floyd wrote a song about on the animals cd, and coincidentally played that night) which took a good 20 min. And all this time i did not go to the bathroom.
Well i hope you enjoyed that story...tell me what you think.
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