Thursday, June 7, 2007

Every Breath, Closer to Death

Well, This is actualy not intended to be a pessimistic post. It is actually a post of encouragement and hope. But it seems like the older i get, the more things change, and the more new experiences i face. Althouh i understand that this is life, i really like things to remain the same.

I have actually been qite lucky throuhout my life, no one of my close friends have died, no close family member has passed away. But in the last two weeks i have known two people, who were a part of my life, not just aquaintences who have died. Rhys Klasno (killed in IRAQ) and Guin Dixon (severe case of DIABETES). Its weird because i had plans to go to lunch with Rhys when he got back, that will never happen. I just saw Guin a month or so ago, and my mom just saw her a day or so before she died. These events affected me in a different way than usual. I started to think...

It is kinda cliche, but holds a lot of truth and significance. Are we ready to die. I mean i know that i will go to heaven and all that jazz, but would God be pumped to see me. Would he be proud to have me home, or would he be ready to give me a stern lecture. Lecturing me about living life for myself, in the moment, without sacrifice. This life is about praising God with our lives, and i know that God is pretty faithful and will bless us with happiness as we pursue him. I guess these events galvanized me to wanting to actually change the way i live in order to grow closer to the one who is the author and perfector of this life and the next.

What do you think?

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