Wow. So i decided to take my car in for its 30,000mile service. Thats actually where I am going to be for the next two hours. And then i will pay 350.00 and be on my way to spend 437.00 on tires. Car ownership sucks. I can only imagine that owning a house is 10X worse. Oh well, i guess it is somewhat an investment, but a bad one at that. Cause Cars just get progressively worse, and this service is just to help prolong the eventual death of My Honda Civic LX. Oh well, Then im off the bank to deposit the money that goes towards bills, then off to work to find money, to put in the ank, to put towards bills. Such is life.
i see those ninja edits on prices.
i was gonna say earlier, 200 for tires is a really good deal.
and that car service is bunk, that's why you learn to work on your own car! only goes to the shop if it isn't running.
Well written article.
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