So basically i decided to o the honorable thing, take the high road etc...i made pact with God and myself to answer all questions honorbly and truthfully. I was called into a court room within an hour, the longer I was there the more i was hoping to get put on a jury. I got excited by all that was happening. When they called the first names to fill the jury box and alternate seats i was really hoping to hear my name, so i could be involved with the whole judicial process. Well round one came, no name call. Three and a half hours later, lunch. I was fortunate to meet with Zeke for a beer and corn beef sandwich at The Royal Falconer who was in the area. We came back from lunch at 1:30pm and were met with 10 new juror seats (alternates/fillers). I waited, but still no name call. Another two hours went by, with over 29 jurors let go, 12 sitting in the jury seats and only 9 people left. So i was definitely in contention for a possible seat as a juror or perhaps an alternate. Well we went through the whole process (again) and they finally settled with the first two alternates (they go in order). So I wasnt picked, and it was all picked by random, then the attorneys dismissed who they would. I wasnt dismissed but i wsnt called early enough. What a waste of an entire day. Well i am safe for a year.
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