Thursday, September 27, 2007

Saying thanks for the Troops

Its easy to forget as i sit here in my boxers, ready to go to bed, that on the other side of the world, we have friends and relatives risking their lives for this great country. The death statistics dont really hit home until a friend becomes a part of those statistics. Than you start thinking how selfish you have been for not praying enough for them. Or maybe that is just me. Well tonight when i got home i was greeted by my mom, who is never up this late. Telling me about a friend in IRAQ, i was happy to here that he wasnt killed, but rather asking for prayer about a mission. I wonder how they feel over there? Do they feel like nobody cares? That family and friends have abandoned them? Well maybe you do or dont, but if you do take a few seconds to fill out a card here and send it to a soldier. I got the idea from my sister in law, married to my Air Force brother. And as much as want him to be able to use the skills he constantly trains for, i would be quite different if he was over there fighting for the country and his life. So all i am asking is to think and spread the word.

Keep Reading.

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