Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Judge not, lest ye be judged...

So I was engaged with a "typical" conversation with some of my Christian friends. Somehow the topic of judging came up. The Bible talks about not judging non-believers, BUT it does say that Christians are allowed to "judge" others in The Church. The bible also talks alot about love...Correct? If you judge/rebuke/jack/tell off/(insert your favorite word for judging here) and don't do it out of genuine love or concern for the moral well being of the person, I THINK it might be just as useless as judging a non-christian. Its funny, because reading all these books, and the bible it talks a lot about community. In the Problem of Pain, by CS Lewis he describes heaven as the ultimate community, where all of your energy is exerted fulfilling others needs, meaning that all of your needs are met solely by others. And Hell is the opposite. In living in community, communication is key. Communicating your concern for others actions should feel like love, not pain. Obviously hearing the truth is not always easy, but over time hopefully we can realize that it was born in love, as an attempt to help you.

Sometimes we realize that it is the need to be righter than the other, or to "know more" than the other that drives us into judgement. I am guilty of this, and also been a victim. It sucks both ways. As Christians we truly need to take a look at if we truly care about being right, or care about our friends life enough to actually want them to change. The latter is what we as Christians hopefully strive for. That is community. A community based on LOVE, change, and forward progression...always seeking to be closer to perfection.

PS. I think i have Blogged about this before, but i guess i needed to be reminded...Fun blogs soon to come about CAYMAN.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perfect. Thank you.