Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have an addiction...

I do not know why i am inherently drawn to discount stores. Maybe it is because i am way to cheap to pay full price for brand name stuff. I can walk around for hours, up every aisle finding the best deals. To some this is a waste of time, but to me its a challenge. So if You have a sign that says "discount prices" or "name brands, closeout prices" I will probably be there eventually rifling through bundles of clothes, appliances, kitchen supplies, trying to find a "diamond in the rough." Except there are no diamonds, only crystal wine glasses for $14. A 2001 Almanac for 99c. And drill bits for $10. I find stuff i need, and LOTS of stuff i dont for C-H-E-A-P. IT definitely ups the white trash in me big time. I wonder where i get it?


Anonymous said...

Definitely not from me!
(Your red-neck Dad)

Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny!
Mama G

Holly Brim said...

Haha, "not from me" says the man who came back from a White Trash Party the other week!

Sunshyne said...

me too!!!!

what did the bird say when it flew over this blog?!
